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on October 17, 2007 at 12:14:50 pm

Brussels Girl Geek Dinner


What is a girl geek?

Girl Geek (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Geek ): Someone who is female and has an interest in technology, particularly computing and new media. Not necessarily technically minded.

See also So, what is a girl geek anyway?

Feel free to edit the Girl Geek Manifesto .



Official Website Brussels Girl Geek Dinner


The Rules

If you are male and wish to attend this event you must bring a female with you or be brought by a female.

NO FEMALE, NO ENTRY!!!! Sorry Guys! (We need to keep the numbers balanced!) And ladies, one date only please!


Location & Info

Date & Time:

Wednesday 17 October 2007 6:30pm doors open 7:00pm (start) - 9:00pm



Venue:Brasserie Mariadal @ Kouterweg 2, 1930 Zaventem (Brussels)



Is it possible to choose a venue that's easy reachable by public transport?


Sponsored by: Windows Live (name sponsor), blognation (media sponsor)

Speakers: Veerle Pieters of Duoh.com has confirmed - topic: Geeky Chix.org


Food: Cold food and drinks available


Price: free entrance and free food/drinks but only for people who registered.




Important notice: max 40 attendees (boys included)

- list will close as soon we reach 40.

If you can't make it, move your name to the Off List.


  1. Clo Willaerts (organiser) + Peter Van Wijnaerde
  2. Veerle Pieters (speaker) + Geert Leyseele
  3. Ine Dehandschutter + Robin Wauters
  4. Béatrice de Mahieu + Kris Hoet  
  5. Caroline Maerten
  6. Carolien Coenen + Dries
  7. Dorien Aerts + Maarten Schenk
  8. Cindy De Smet
  9. Katia Aerts
  10. Alexa Veller
  11. Ann Laenen + Stefan Kolgen
  12. Valérie Janssens
  13. Talia Hendlisz + Kris Decoodt (had to cancel due to workload, sorry)
  14. Barbara Dessers
  15. Valérie Nimal
  16. Joke Renneboog
  17. Elisabeth Jane Bertrand
  18. Edzimbi Db + Frank Guthorel
  19. Elise Huard
  20. Samantha Hendlisz
  21. Marlies Deforche
  22. Imke Dielen
  23. Béate Vervaecke
  24. Tineke Van Engeland
  25. Miek Uyttendaele
  26. Catherine Van Holder
  27. Alexandra Bor
  28. Liene Donckers + Niko Caignie
  29. Julie Opstaele + Baudouin Van Humbeeck
  30. LamaZone
  31. Sabine Clappaert + Dieter Quaghebeur
  32. Britt Mesdagh
  33. Valerie Lafontaine
  34. Diana Van Hoeve
  35. Els Broothaers

----------- STOP ------------ list is closed now


Reserves List

Put your name here if you want to be the first in line in case one of the attendees above can't make it.




Who is having free seats in her car (and from where)? Who is looking for a ride? Write it down and hopefuly you'll find a match :)




Imke Dielen - 3 seats free for the ride afterwards from Zaventem to Gent

Alexa Veller - 3 seats free for the ride Zaventem - Leuven

Maarten Schenk - 5 seats available for the ride Houthalen - Zaventem and back or to/from places along the way, contact me.

Elise Huard - 3 seats available for Brussels (vorst but can stop in centrum) - Zaventem and back

Sabine Clappaert - 2 seats available Brussels to Ghent after dinner (we're on the reserve list, so only if places free up)

Marlies Deforche - 3 seats available for the ride Bruges -> Zaventem and back (mail me)




Tineke Van Engeland - from Brussels to Zaventem and/or back

LamaZone - Back to Ghent after Dinner.



Off list

if you suddenly find you can't attend and have signed up initially then please move your name here.

-Anne Verberckmoes-- (ik kan niet op maandag en woensdag en niet tussen 11 oktober en 31 oktober)-

Sylvia Van de Wouwer

Nathalie Wittemans

Hilde Robberechts

Zabine Van Lerbeirghe

Uw Moeder + Dokter Wolf

-Ellen Quix + --Pietel- (have to cancel due to work stuff)

- Melanie Chamaah (Unfortunatly too short notice ! I have something else)


Comments and Other info


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